Michelle McCullough - American Entreprenuer

Have you ever Googled yourself?  It's okay, you're among friends.  Go ahead and spill the beans.A couple of weeks ago, a friend had said that she had Googled me.  I was curious what was out there so I Googled myself and I found this:In 2009 I was photographed for a series called "American Entrepreneur Profiles".  I got an email from Mike Michalowicz, author of the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, saying that Allana from Ars Magna studio would be driving cross country and photographing American Entrepreneurs along the way.  Well, Americanism + Entrepreneurship are two of my favorite things, so I responded that I would be interested.  I was selected!  I called a friend in Salt Lake and asked them if I could use their conference room for the shoot since my office is my home or my car (in hindsight, I should have done it at home or in my car, I think at the time I was embarrassed to be picked for this great thing, and was nervous to say, "I work out of my house."  Now that's something I embrace and feel like it's the best way to keep my costs down and most customers prefer I come to them anyway...).Allana and her husband were very chic, and super down-to-earth and nice.  They asked me questions in between snapping pictures and I tried to act as calm as I could.  I felt way cooler that I really am.Allana did a nice post on her site.  But it wasn't until I was Googling myself a couple of weeks ago in 2011 that I found this post with more pictures.It's interesting looking back on that post and seeing what I said.  Interesting that I said that I'd double my income that year, and I did.  It was a great year.Its interesting to look back on what I was doing then and what I'm doing now.  I've added 2 new businesses to my plate, and Doodads is still running like the well oiled machine that it is.And it's interesting to see that my little boy is big.  Life changes so fast.  Now my 2nd child is even older than Gavin was when those pictures were taken.  Time flies.I'm delighted to be listed as an American Entrepreneur.  I really do feel like I'm living the American dream each and every day.




Book Review: The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur