My Rules for Success: Flashback

When I was a trainer in debate in High School and college, I created a training on "How to win every debate round."  I pulled it out  a while back and noticed that most of them are rules I still use today in my life and business.  With a few tweaks, I wanted to share these tips for success with you.  (I wrote this in June of 2008.  I'm posting it here with no edits.  Maybe I'll update it soon!  Until then, these are a GREAT place to start!)

  1. You are always winning. If you don’t believe that you are the best, most trusted person in your field, why should they. NOT cocky, confident.
  2. You don’t have to be right. Sometimes we get so caught up in the principle that we lose site of what’s important. Sometimes other people can be right.
  3. Look at the big picture. Sometimes you have to take a step back, put your pen down, turn away from the computer screen, turn off instant messenger. What will mean the MOST right now? Don’t get caught up in some little detail. You can get stuck on the wrong point. You can also get stuck by not balancing all the roles that you play in life. Every day, every week, take a step back and say, “What matters MOST this week.”
  4. Kill them with Kindness I don’t care what they do, I don’t care what they say, Be nice. Don’t talk about them in the bathroom stall, don’t tell your friends or peers, don’t ever pass along anything negative. Nothing can kill your reputation in the business world faster than gossip.
  5. Always, Always, Always Be Honest It will always come back to bite you if you aren’t honest. You need to be honest to your customers, honest to your company, and honest to yourself. You also need to be honest enough with your customers and friends when to say, “This may not be the best deal for you.”
  6. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”. You’ll look like an idiot if you try to stumble through some lame response. If you don’t know, say so, but smooth it over with, “I’ll find out and get right back to you.” and make sure you get back to them when you say you will.
  7. Keep your promises. If you say you are going to do something, DO IT. And do it when you said you were going to do it. Live by the motto, “Under promise, over deliver.” You can have the best product or service and kill it with dishonesty
  8. Know your position/be a team where appropriate Use your resources. Is there someone on your team/industry that knows more than you? Ask them for advice. Be willing to involve them in a deal. This also means don’t do things that aren’t your responsibility. Make the people around you do their jobs so that you can do yours. Delegate.
  9. Have fun. You have got to have balance in your life. You have got to make the time for the things that are fun, relaxing and that mean the most to you. Fill your well.
  10. Have a passion. What is your passion? What do you feel strongly about every day of your life? What moves you? What motivates you? Hopefully as a person who’s started your own business, you love what you do. Be emotional. Put your heart in it. This is the passion that should drive your life every day.

What are your rules for success?This was previously posted on with some edits today.




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