
SIMPLY SHINE- By Jill Blashack Strahan, founder of Tastefully Simple

I was initially surprised by how autobiographical this book is. Though at first I thought it would be hard to read, every page oozes with positive energy, and I couldn’t help but feel inspired as I read it. Jill’s writing style and story telling makes it easy to get involved in her life, and also made it easy to apply to my own.

I especially love what Jill says about abundance. I’ve been working some abundance principles into my life and work over the past two years and have really seen a difference in the way I view what I do, what my goals are and also how I view competition in the marketplace. There truly is enough business for all of us, and the more we connect with abundance in our life and business, the more we’ll attract. On a surface level as we believe that there is enough for everyone, we all have enough. Jill goes one step deeper and talks about abundance and defines the Law of Abundance (as she talks about above) as “Fostering peace of mind through win-win attitudes.” How powerful! Can you see your life being full without the involvement, love and support of others? Jill shows us so powerfully that we we are not alone and our lives can be enriched by involving others in our journey and being involved and helping others achieve their dreams as well.

Finally, the last takeaway I want to share with you: Jill’s story illustrates that the pathway to business success is not easy and you’ll have speed bumps and set backs along the way (we cause some ourselves, don’t we?). However, as we pick ourselves back up, we open doors only commitment, stamina and perseverance have in store for us.

I enjoy books written by entrepreneurs on the same path that we are. It’s inspiring.


My First, Live, Solo Event - October 20th, 2011


Michelle McCullough - American Entreprenuer